So I'm walking out of a store on Saturday around 5pm.. the most disgusting looking man drives up against the side walk and starts screaming obscenities at me in spanish, which I didn't understand. After making kissing noises, barking(yes barking) as if I can speak dog, and completely humiliating and ruining my evening, he drives off in his stupid beat up car!!
I'm so pissed, at him and at me...why is it that I keep thinking if stuff happens I'll react, I'll cuss back..but nothing, I just kept walking like it didn't bother really did...
That has happend to me a couple of times before especially when I was in high school walking home. It is really awkward and hard to know what to do. Dont try to provoke them though by cussing back. I don't think that would be a good idea. I wish I knew what to do.
Well, you could take a photo and post it on this damn blog :)
Or use mace? Or call?
WIsh i could be a woman for a month and see what it's like... or maybe I wouldn't like it.
I think that's happened to many women. I just pretend I didn't hear them, because they want a reaction, don't give them any satisfaction. sometimes i just pick up my phone and put it beside my ear to ignore them.
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