Berkeley Pervert
I was picking up my mail from the Berkeley Main post office on Thursday evening. As I was coming out, I see a man in a knit cap and grey sweatshirt with navy blue shorts crossing the street coming toward me. I was thinking, ah a guy coming out from exercising at the Y, good for him. There is a YMCA across the street from the post office. I get in my car. The guy comes up close to my passenger window. I see him grabbing his shorts. I was thinking I must be seeing things. Then I see him grab his penis out of his shorts and masturbating. Iwas disgusted, infuriated, pist off. I pulled out of my space and drove around the block hoping to find a police officer close by, but didn't see one. When I came back around the post office, he was gone. I wanted to scream...if you can't control yourself, how about I help you control yourself with a pair of scissors! You pervert! Even though this happens all the time, I'm still in a state of shock when it happens. I forget to yell. I need to remember to yell out and make a scene. Leteveryone around me know these guys are perverts. They need help or get castrated!
why is it that women are "horrified" "repulsed", etc. etc. but women can get way with just about anything...flashing, skimmpy attire, etc? this guy was wrong, but most likely a harmless exhibitonist. fucking relax.
I've seen butt naked people in People's Park, on Telegraph, Bay to Breakers. There is a difference between an exhibitionist and some guy stroking their penis in your face. It's called sexual harassment.
There's a difference between wearing sexy attire and jacking off in public!
Some weirdo jacked off in front of me at the laundry mat. My husband was pissed. I guess it's OK as long as it's not your wife.'s some news for you...women flashing is not okay either. We can wear whatever we want, but we don't walk around with our labia hanging out and rubbing our clits just to make other people uncomfortable.
there's a fine difference between actual sexual contact and sexually suggestive attire.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I think most people would have the same reaction to such an attack. It is a form of assault and it is NOT Ok.
It's tempting to tell ourselves "I wish I had done something else." Screamed, called attention to him...whetever it may be. But the important thing is that you got out of there and you're safe.
Im sorry that happened to you.. i wish there was something we could do, some new law we could help create to make street harrassment illegal (verbal or physical).
Dude, I dont want to see you jackoff and I certainly dont want to hear your opinion of me..
good luck everyone!
you women take the cake. I went to a place called Copper Canyon at the Colorado river. There were about 200 people in their boats. Everytime a guy climbed up on this high rock, the girls would all start yelling for him to take his pants off. The guys would strip and everyone would cheer. One guy actually started jerking off. I tried to cover my wifes eyes and even she got mad. I guess that's why Chippendales is in business. Your're all hypocrits.
Ladies,this is NOT cool and I for one hate to hear or see this type of activity happening to you. I wish that I could apologize for all men who act like asses,but...I'm only one man and l almost don't want to include myself in this race called MAN. The next time something like this happens "SCREAM",SCREAM loud,SCREAM again,SCREAM and point, get attention. Do something. Don't just stand there. These perverts need to be acknowledged,and taken off the streets. OK "get pictures if you can".
To the anonymous dickhead, second from the bottom: the difference between going to Chippendales and seeing guys dance around in their underwear, and seeing guys jerking off in the street or having them yell disgusting or demeaning things at you, is that women can CHOOSE to go to a male strip club and have fun and see half- or fully naked guys BECAUSE THEY FEEL LIKE THEY'RE IN A NON-THREATENING SITUATION AND THEY'RE NOT AFRAID FOR THEIR SAFETY. The streets are full of perverts who do and say awful things to women AGAINST THEIR WILL, and this attention is unwanted, uncalled for, and wrong. If you can't determine the difference between these two situations, you're fucking stupid.
I'm a guy. I feel gross and violated when I see a guy peeing on the street. These feelings are like the reactions female posters here describe when they witness disgusting sexual behavior.
I don't like seeing people spit or litter.
You should have called 911. This is a crime (Indecent Exposure PC 314) and requires 290 registration (sex offender). This is not a mutually agreeable/pleasurable act. It was was done to offend or annoy you for his own sexual gratification.Many are very scarred by this conduct - that's why he does it. He will continue - indecent exposure has a very hight recidivism rate and common leads to other more aggressive sex crimes. He will begin to target more venerable victims (the elderly, young etc) to get his jollies. The hardest things about these crimes is getting a good witness/victim to testify about what happened. It's better to have a strong assertive women testify against him than a teary 12 year old.Be strong enough to use your phone to really make a difference -call 911 and help get him arrested and convicted.
That bit on the rock sounds fun. But any creep who grabs himself in front of women needs to be slapped around, publicly humiliated and kicked down the street. We don't need more laws against what he did. We need less laws against kicking the crap out of people like that.
agree with last comment. Obviously the pinhead who thinks that since there was a group of women in a controlled situation egging on male strippers then somehow this woman complaining about the exhibitionist is a hypocrite (correct spelling) has not asked himself the most basic of questions.
For example: some people males like to have their cock pierced. Does that make me (a male) a hypocrite if I complain that someone on the street comes up to me and sticks a large needle through my dick? Asshole! think about it moron.
Here's a better question for the ignorant dipshit who thinks "you're all hypocrits" (nice spelling) because one woman did not want to be exposed to even though one time some other women in an entirely different situation egged on some male stripping:
Since some men want to have their cocks pierced, must I be a hypocrite if I don't want a stranger on the street coming up to me and ramming a needle through MY dick? Hey, some men want it in one context, so we must all want it in any context, right? Of course, you too would be a hipocrite if you complain when a stranger rams something through your dick. Think about it, pinhead!
wonder if dickhead knows that the Berkeley PD is less than a 1/2 a block away.
Women, program your local PD into your cell phones.
I can definitely see the difference between being an exhibitionist and some weirdo jacking in your face. This is a reasonable complaint but not all harrassment complaints are. Whenever I sit alone, a lady friend always asks, "Why don't you ask her out?" I respond with, "Why doesn't someone ask ME out?" She replies, "Men are the ones that are supposed to ask." So, if I sit and do nothing, I'm alone. If I try to flirt and strike conversation I'm harrassing. Whenever you initiate something, you risk being imposing and yet women tell us we are supposed to ask. When we ask, it's considered wrong because it wasn't welcomed. I say a woman welcomes us by asking US out! How does a guy know until he tries? If a woman thinks it's humiliating to get "harrassed", they need to feel what guys feel when they have to risk their ego by asking and possibly being turned down. This is something most womem don't like doing themselves, so us guys do it for them. Women don't want to lift their finger and yet they complain when they get unwanted attention. In most cases the only difference between a guy harrassing a woman and a guy not, is how attracted she is in him. A guy doesn't always know who is going to find him attractive before he flirts with them. Again, the lude perverted stuff is NOT what I'm talking about. I will say this though, not a single woman had anything to say when the poster mentioned that women get away with flashing, skimmpy attire, etc. Flashing is the SAME as jacking off in your face. Not all of us men want to see some womem in their skimmpy attire, but we don't have to look. The real disturbance is when they think it's perfectly okay to flash and act inappropriate, yet complain if it happens to them. Women from time to time will even touch my behind and yet if a man did that to them, it would be unacceptable. I say if you want to complain about men "harrassing" you, let all us men stop asking you out and you gals can step up to the plate. I wouldn't mind if all I needed to do to get a date was dress nice and walk down the street with a prissy gaze and pretend to be disinterested. That would be great. Like I said, I don't think street perverts are acceptable, but if women complain about "regular" flirting, I think that unless they do any of the asking, they shouldn't complain. There's an old saying, if you want something done right, then do it yourself. Before you ladies get all huffy, just keep in mind that I'm not talking about jerky gumps that are the REAL harrassers. I'm talking about women who complain about harmless flirtation. I'm a generally nice and respectful guy, yet I am so disgusted by women's attitudes that I don't even say a word to them. They can come to me.
To the person talking about Copper Canyon and calling women hypocrites. I'm from that area. Everybody knows what goes on in Copper Canyon. Anybody who doesn't like that sort of thing can stay away. Walking down the street or going about your daily business and being subjected to sexual harassment is NOT a choice. That right there is the problem, we as women are subjected to things that are not our choice. Do you think we like having men, complete strangers, show us their genitalia? To touch us in inappropriate ways? To feel unsafe? I had a boss who took it upon himself to touch me as much as possible, I was only 17 at the time. I didn't go into the job interview saying "Oh by the way while I'm working its ok to touch me as much as you want and say things to me that make me feel uncomfortable" If I decide to go to a male strip club to watch some dancing though...that doesn't make me a hypocrite. Just because I like men doesn't make it OK for ALL MEN to treat me like a non person who MUST want their penis. You know because THEIR penis is so special.
Crap - unfortunately, there are more naked people walking around Berkeley than I care to think about - sadly, most of them are old, or prone to inflating their scrotums.
The world would be a better place if I didn't have to see one of them while I was eating.
To anonymous saying if we don't like getting harassed we should hit on guys, your arguments are sorry.
Harassment and talking are different things, if you say "hello" and don't get a smile, eye contact and unfolded arms don't approach. If you do, ask "how are you today" not "how are your boobs today?" or "take a look at my penis, wont you?" Don't say "your ass is looking fabulous" or "I saw you looking sexy over here and though I'd try to bang you." READ THE DAMN SIGNALS BECAUSE THEY'RE OBVIOUS. If all the answers are short, no eye contact, folded arms, attempting to read, listen to music etcetera, FUCK OFF, if we say no that doesn't mean we're too stupid to know what a great fuck you are. If you're not in a singles bar for the most part DON'T BOTHER. And you'll never hear me complain about men taking initiative, you wont hear it from anyone I know either, maybe you just know some different women, oh wait, you mean they're not ALL THE SAME!?! Who would have thought that?
And as for the FEW women who flash their boobs in a setting other than that of a filming of Girls Gone Mediocre, don't wash yourself in other's dirt. "Yea, but they started it." How childish. I don't flash my boobs, do I deserve any comment or leer because someone I don't know did something? Let's see how far we can take that, gee, well men give money to women at strip bars so men shouldn't be surprised if women take all their money.
And I'll bet the first poster would be bitching for years if some guy decided to jerk off near him, I bet he would say "some fucking fa**ot just tried to jerk off on me, wah wah." He would shit a brick.
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